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File List  |  1993-08-24  |  32KB  |  443 lines

  1. #-100B.EXE      37123  09-20-92  # v1.00 beta - a very powerful command line
  2.                                | calculator. Supports trig functions, hex,
  3.                                | octal, binary, powers, bitwise operations,
  4.                                | and tons of other math. Great for programmers
  5.                                | or command line afficianados.
  6. 1TABLE11.EXE    58880  08-12-92  Electronic Periodic Table V1.1 Includes
  7.                                | Instructions. Huge Amounts of Info on
  8.                                | Elements 1-106. For The Serious Chem Student.
  9. AANGLE.ARJ     109135  05-28-93  Any/Angle Trig Utility. 
  10.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-17-93)
  11. ADD302.ARJ      95786  06-03-93  Add.exe: Adds Up a Column of Numbers in a 
  12.                                | Text File.  Also Presents Minimum and
  13.                                | Maximum Information.
  14.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-08-93)
  15. AERO24.ARJ      98449  08-24-93  AEROSOFT v2.4 Arobic Fitness Log <ASP> $49.95
  16.                                | Calculates aerobic points for 34 types of
  17.                                | exercise and calories burned for 49 types of
  18.                                | exercise.  Records all exercises featured in
  19.                                | the Presidential Sports Award program and
  20.                                | directs you in mailing for your Presidential
  21.                                | Sports Awards. Lets you view exercise history
  22.                                | at your terminal. Compares on a monthly basis
  23.                                | current year point totals with the prior year
  24.                                | Many options for printing reports
  25. ANGLE102.EXE    97106  06-23-92  Solves triangles easily - Enter known
  26.                                | components and the computer does the rest.
  27.                                | Can use a mouse.
  28. AT10.ARJ        28135  05-01-93  AlgeTrig v1.0 - Trigonometric and logarithm
  29.                                | calculator.  Full featured.  $8 registration.
  30. BFT120.ARJ      43703  12-04-92  BULLET FLIGHT 1.20, Trial Version. Docs are
  31.                                | included. Calculates downrange velocities,
  32.                                | trajectories, ft/lbs, scope adjustments, time
  33.                                | of flight, wind drift, optimum zeros.
  34.                                | Registered version calculates close-range
  35.                                | zero, max bullet rise, standardized coeff.,
  36.                                | and more. Last revision date in archive:
  37.                                | 11-28-1992.
  38. BOLTLOAD.EXE    17694  11-02-92  MCAd File to Calc. Bolt Load And Stresses
  39.                                | For packages.
  40. CAF20.EXE       41040  06-23-92  TSR Floating Point Calculator V2.0
  41. CAL35.ARJ        4639  05-26-93  A Great Little Calulatior Program <If I do 
  42.                                | Say So Myself> Does Powers, Square Root,
  43.                                | the Quadrotic Formula, and the Other
  44.                                | Standord Stuff, No Docs, But You Can Figure
  45.                                | it Out <V4.0 Will Have Docs, a WINDOWS Pif,
  46.                                | and the Quickbasic Code>, All in Text.
  47.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-12-93)
  48. CALC-1.EXE      47723  07-06-92  Command Line Calculator.
  49. CALCI.EXE       19831  10-23-92  TSR Calculator
  50.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 8/10/92  Newest: 8/10/92
  51.                                | Uploaded by: Jay Ongg.
  52. CC4A.EXE       291535  08-15-92  Update to Calculus Calculator v4.0 now called
  53.                                | X(Plore) -- The Mathematical Toolchest.
  54.                                | Powerful, w/3D graphing; matrix math, diff Eq
  55.                                | many functions.
  56. CF251.ARJ       65689  09-20-92  Science/Engineering Curve Fitting Program.
  57. CHADYN.EXE     339734  07-21-92  Dynamics - draws plots for mathematical
  58.                                | equations that have chaotic attractors.
  59.                                | Mono or 16 colour EGA/VGA. by JA Yorke.
  60.                                | Mostly 1989 program.
  61. CHEMICAL.EXE   198516  03-02-92  Chemical Study Aids
  62. CLJNC951.ARJ    62294  05-27-93  Calc_jnc V9.51 Ultimate TSR Calculator 
  63.                                | Automatic Conversions From Decimal,
  64.                                | Hex, Octal and Binary.all Logical
  65.                                | Functions Supported.full Floating
  66.                                | Point Calculations.entry of Complex
  67.                                | Formulas'.paste.colors.line Printer
  68.                                | Moveable.online Help.manual.memories.
  69.                                | Much More. ASP Shareware, $25+s&h
  70.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-20-93)
  71. CVTIT200.ARJ   291263  06-08-93  Convert It! 2.0 - Unit Conversion Utility 
  72.                                | Ultimate Unit of Measure Conversion Utility
  73.                                | for MS WINDOWS.  14 Catagories of Conversions
  74.                                | With a 15th for Custom Conversions.  You Can
  75.                                | Edit the Conversion Factors, Add or Delete
  76.                                | Units.  Customize it for the Way You Work.
  77.                                | Catagories Include Temperature, Mass, Volume,
  78.                                | Time, Area, Angle and More.  On-Line Context
  79.                                | Sensitive Help.  and a Section on Other
  80.                                | Conversion Factors That You Might Use.
  81.                                | in Use By Nasa and Many Others.
  82.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-15-93)
  83. DCALC31.ARJ    286425  12-10-92  DOS-CALC v3.1 - Algebraic tape calculator w/
  84.                                | many power features. 600 built-in conversions
  85. DEC2ALL.ARJ     27239  08-12-93  Converts decimal numbers to octal, hex & bin
  86. DEG2RAD.ARJ     35652  07-16-93  Degree 2 Radians 1.0 - Gives You A Radian
  87.                                | Measure of an Angle You Input as Well as The
  88.                                | Reference Angle Freeware but Fast!
  89. DFUNCTNS.ARJ    86705  08-09-93  Distribution Functions and Probabilty
  90.                                | Calculator, Mark Von Tress; $10. Calculates
  91.                                | several statistical distribution functions.
  92.                                | Distributions are the normal, t, chi-square,
  93.                                | F and beta distributions.     
  94. DISTRIB!.EXE    62917  09-24-92  DISTRIB.EXE is a program for statisticians or
  95.                                | others who need to create random
  96.                                | distributions of numbers with a specific
  97.                                | shape (skew & kurtosis).
  98. DIVISION.EXE   121796  03-02-92  Long Division
  99. DRILL20.EXE     77894  08-04-92  THE DRILLER v2.0: timed drill in the four
  100.                                | basic arithmetic skills that will remember
  101.                                | problems that cause the student difficulty &
  102.                                | return them to the student later in the drill
  103.                                | 07/14/92.
  104. EEF3.EXE       100475  11-17-92  A Collection Of Electrical/Electronic
  105.                                | Formula.
  106. EVAL108.EXE     47503  07-18-92  Math Expression Evaluator; 30+ functions.
  107.                                | complex #s, more
  108.                                | Files: 5  Oldest: 7/17/92  Newest: 7/17/92
  109.                                | Uploaded by: Rd Thomas.
  110. EXRCAL10.EXE    45823  07-18-92  EXERCAL v1.0:  calculates how many calories
  111.                                | you are burning due to exersize;  07/08/92;
  112.                                | Dan Robins
  113.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 7/8/92  Newest: 7/8/92.
  114. FDPLOT92.EXE    89880  08-25-92  FDPLOT v9.2 Function/data plotting & paired
  115.                                | statistics package. (8-7-92). 
  116. FORCES.EXE     183651  03-02-92  Static Forces
  117. FORM1-12.ARJ   154379  08-12-93  Formula1 v1.2 - High School/College Algebra
  118.                                | uses AI algorithm as an Electronic Tutor
  119.                                | Reqs hard disk, EGA/VGA and 512k Memory.
  120. GR105.EXE       74832  07-18-92  Graph 2D-3D-polar math functions; save
  121.                                | screen to GIF file
  122.                                | Files: 5  Oldest: 7/9/92  Newest: 7/9/92.
  123. GRAPH3D.ARJ     46316  07-16-93  Graph-3d V1.03: Graph-3d Allows 3D display of
  124.                                | parametrical equations.
  125. GRAPHSYS.ARJ   355236  05-05-93  graphics plotting program -- very nice,
  126.                                | useful for scientific plotting to plot
  127.                                | curves.
  128.                                | Files: 36  Oldest: 8/29/88  Newest: 4/16/93
  129.                                | Uploaded by: Ilya Shlyakhter
  130. GRMAT30D.EXE   113500  06-23-92  Graphmatica v30d equation grapher
  131. GROBS1.ARJ       8804  12-22-92  HP-48SX Calculator - Several HP48 graphics
  132.                                | objects.
  133. GRPHME10.ARJ   161753  01-14-93  Graph-Me! - Is A Basic Two And Three
  134.                                | Dimension Graphing Utility. Supports
  135.                                | Rectangular, "Box" (3-D Cartesian), Polar,
  136.                                | Cylindrical, And Spherical Coordinate
  137.                                | Systems. Full Mathematical Operations Also
  138. HEPCAT08.ARJ    39814  12-03-92  Handy Engineer's and Programmer's Calculation
  139.                                | tool v0.8  TSR - and Junior (introductory)
  140.                                | version.
  141. HPX11.ARJ       53811  06-02-93  Hewlwtt Packard Scientific Calculator on Your
  142.                                | PC. Keyboard Maps to Functions on the Keypad.
  143.                                | Very Easy to Use.
  144.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-15-91)
  145. HYPGEO.EXE     139966  06-29-92  HYPERGEO - serious mathematical geometrical/
  146.                                | visual/tool/program which also can be enjoyed
  147.                                | oley for the aesthetic value of its intricate
  148.                                | geometrical displays.
  149. INFLATE.ARJ      6935  07-15-93  Inflation Calculator V1.0 - Local Author. 
  150.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-18-92)
  151. INTEGRAL.EXE   196608  10-30-92  Periodic table of the elements w/gobbs of
  152.                                | neat calculators--very professional, high
  153.                                | quality work. Not crippled.
  154. ISE111.EXE     329924  08-29-92  THE INTEGRAL SCIENTIST, a hypertext info
  155.                                | for scientists, educators, and students.
  156.                                | Periodic Table, multi-function calculator,
  157.                                | report generation, flash-cards, and more.
  158. JUPMOONS.ARJ    35523  08-18-93  This program will calculate and display the
  159.                                | positions of four of Jupiter's largest moons.
  160. KSTAT1.ARJ     264129  12-19-92  KWIKSTAT distribution disk 1 (ver 3.3)
  161.                                | Award Winning data analysis packge for
  162.                                | business or scientific data. Graphs, reports.
  163.                                | Interfaces w/dBASE, ASCII, 1-2-3. Mouse supp.
  164. KSTAT2.ARJ     303533  12-19-92  KWIKSTAT distribution disk 2
  165. KSTAT3.ARJ     183694  12-19-92  KWIKSTAT distribution disk 3
  166. KURVPLUS.ARJ   564233  06-12-93  Kurv+ is Comprised of Two Mathematical 
  167.                                | Modules: a Curve Fitting Module and a
  168.                                | Geometry/Trigonometry Module.
  169.                                | Curve Fitting Module: X,y Data Points
  170.                                | are Processed to Determine the Coefficients
  171.                                | of 28 Equations. Best Fit Index is Shown.
  172.                                | Geometry/Trigonometry Module: Computes the
  173.                                | Area of 9 Plane Geometrical Figures; Volume,
  174.                                | Area of 7 Solid Figures; Irregular Polygon.
  175.                                | Requires WINDOWS 3.x, Mouse, Hard Disk.
  176.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-02-93)
  177. LAT_LON.ARJ    132103  08-11-93  LAT_LON (Distance Calculator) computes the
  178.                                | "great circle" distances, in air-miles &
  179.                                | airkilometers, between any two points whose
  180.                                | latitudes/longitudes are entered ("as the
  181.                                | crow flies" distance)
  182. LCL-GMT.EXE     28170  10-20-92  Program gives you local and Greenwich Mean
  183.                                | Time. Accounts for Daylight Savings.
  184. LINEA2.ARJ     314662  08-23-93  LINEA circuit analysis program for 40 node,
  185.                                | 200 branch electronic circuits, versatile,
  186.                                | fast, speaks electronic jargon; WAVESPEC
  187.                                | waveform description program
  188.                                | (time-to-frequency transform) for use with
  189.                                | LINEA∙ With example Data files∙ Any CPU from
  190.                                | 80286 , math coprocessor version included,
  191.                                | any video card, any ASCII printer∙ Shareware∙
  192.                                | Most interactive and friendly tool for
  193.                                | engineers, techs, teachers, hams, or
  194.                                | hobbyists∙ Second release∙ 20 files∙ Last
  195.                                | revision date in archive: 08-06-1993∙
  196. MATCAL11.EXE    60783  06-06-92  MatCalc 1.1 - Matrix Calculator. Performs
  197.                                | matrix multiplication and addition, solves
  198.                                | system of equations, finds determinant,
  199.                                | inverse, adjoint, cofactor, etc. Data easily
  200.                                | transported to/from database programs. Up to
  201.                                | 50x50 matrices.
  202. MATH-PAD.ARJ    37068  07-15-93  New, Does Math 46+ Functions. Can Keep Log. 
  203.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-08-93)
  204. MATHC34.EXE    123928  10-31-92  MATHCOUNTS3+4 v1.0  - Grades 3 and 4, +,
  205.                                | -, x, /, %, also includes record keeping;
  206.                                | estimation, fractions, decimals and money,
  207.                                | word problems, and more. Context-sensitive
  208.                                | remedial review, automatic and menu modes for
  209.                                | beginners to advanced students who need.
  210. MATHPL32.ARJ   117750  01-09-93  MATHPL32 - Mathematical Function Plotting
  211.                                | Mathplot allows you to enter math functions
  212.                                | using ordinary algebraic notation and
  213.                                | immediately plot them. Cartesian, polar, and
  214.                                | parametric functions are supported.
  215.                                | Presentation quality plots are produced on
  216.                                | the screen or LaserJet printer. Excellent
  217.                                | program for anyone who needs to quickly
  218.                                | visualize math functions. Requires 512KB,
  219.                                | CGA, EGA, or VGA.
  220.                                | Files: 9  Oldest: 7/21/87  Newest: 11/20/92
  221.                                | Uploaded by: Mike Haney.
  222. MATHSTAT.ARJ    80943  05-29-93  Two Statistic Programs to Solve Your 
  223.                                | Statistics Problems. Version 7 is in Beta
  224.                                | Phase.
  225.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-25-93)
  226. MATHX30.EXE    149806  07-31-92  MATHX v3.0. A very comprehensive Scientific
  227.                                | Calculation program. Covers just about
  228.                                | everything. 91.
  229. MERCRY.ARJ     276247  05-24-93  This is a Good and Rare Program Which Can 
  230.                                | Solve Any Mathematical Equation , it Also
  231.                                | Shows You How to Solve It.great for Those
  232.                                | Stuck in Math.has Graphics Capability.
  233.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-01-91)
  234. MGVGA443.ARJ   126976  06-02-93  Master-Graph 4.43, 2d Graph Plotter, Need 
  235.                                | Vga.
  236.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-19-93)
  237. MODEL.EXE      359452  03-02-92  Modelmate
  238. MP13.ARJ        71304  04-24-93  MathPad v1.3 - Versatile math and geometric
  239.                                | and algebraic calculator.  Can be run both
  240.                                | from DOS and from Windows 3.x.
  241. MRCRY209.EXE   291696  07-11-92  MERCURY v2.09: Interactive equation solver
  242.                                | based on Borland's Eureka, then released as
  243.                                | fully-functional shareware. Evaluate
  244.                                | mathematical expressions, solve for the roots
  245.                                | of an equation, plot functions, more. Printed
  246.                                | manual to registered users but what's here is
  247.                                | adequate and there's extensive on-line help.
  248. MRM05B7.ARJ    110806  05-29-93  Mr. Machinist is an Easy-To-Use Menu Driven 
  249.                                | Math Program Designed to Solve the Every Day
  250.                                | Geometry and Trigonometry Problems That
  251.                                | Machinist and Industrial Engineers Encounter.
  252.                                | Get the Chord of a Circular Sector, Convert
  253.                                | Decimal Degrees to Hours, Minutes and
  254.                                | Seconds Find the Proper Speed and Feed for a
  255.                                | Machining Center, View a Decimal Chart, Use
  256.                                | the Scientific Calculator for Formulas, and
  257.                                | Also Edit Multiple Files. F1 Help to Boot!
  258.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-31-93)
  259. MRM_NEW.ARJ     91259  01-20-93  Mr. Machinist is an easy-to-use menu driven 
  260.                                | math program designed to solve the every day 
  261.                                | geometry and trigonometry problems that 
  262.                                | machinist and industrial engineers encounter.
  263.                                | Get the chord of a circular sector, convert 
  264.                                | decimal degrees to hours, minutes and seconds
  265.                                | find the proper speed and feed for a 
  266.                                | machining center, view a decimal chart, send 
  267.                                | a file to the CNC and do all of this while 
  268.                                | editing a machine file! On line help also!!! 
  269.                                | Files: 4  Oldest: 1/11/93  Newest: 1/12/93 
  270.                                | Uploaded by: Allan Bremer 
  271. MVSP21.ARJ     297294  08-09-93  MVSP 2.1 - A MultiVariate Statistical Package
  272.                                | provides an inexpensive yet easy means of
  273.                                | analysing your data. It performs principal
  274.                                | components, principal coordinates, and
  275.                                | correspondence analyses & clusters.
  276.                                | Will import from Lotus 1-2-3 files.  
  277. MX-202.EXE     141058  05-24-92  Metric-X v2.02 -user-friendly/accurate 
  278.                                | metric conversion tool - converts 179 units
  279.                                | of measure. Shareware. Mailed by the author. 
  280. NAVIG92D.ARJ   162046  06-29-92  Celestial Navigation program does all of the
  281.                                | calcualtions after you enter data from
  282.                                | sights.  Full features, but database of this
  283.                                | shareware version has been limited.  Great
  284.                                | for nav students to verify calculations done
  285.                                | by more "traditional" means.
  286. NAVPLOT.EXE    254692  07-21-92  Mathmatics Plotting Package written by
  287.                                | Howard Penn at US Naval Academy. 1991.
  288. NONLIN21.ARJ   180600  05-25-93  Nonlin V2.1 <ASP> - Linear and Nonlinear 
  289.                                | Statistical Regression. Nonlin Determines the
  290.                                | Values of Parameters for an Equation, Whose
  291.                                | Form You Specify Using Ordinary Algebraic
  292.                                | Notation, That Cause the Equation to Best Fit
  293.                                | a Set of Data Values. Can Handle Linear,
  294.                                | Multivariate, Polynomial, and General
  295.                                | Nonlinear Equations. Also Plots Data and
  296.                                | Equation. Nonlin is the Best Shareware
  297.                                | Regression Program Available.
  298.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-10-93)
  299. NONLIN24.ARJ   186670  06-25-93  NONLIN v2.4 <ASP> - Linear and nonlinear
  300.                                | regression statistics. Nonlin handles linear,
  301.                                | multivariate, polynomial, and general
  302.                                | nonlinear equations. Also plots data and
  303.                                | equation. Nonlin is the best shareware
  304.                                | regression program available.
  305.                                | Files: 32  11-12-87...06-23-93  New: 9
  306.                                | Uploaded by: Phillip Sherrod
  307. NU102-1.ARJ    178291  07-27-93  NUMERO UNO--Powerful Program for Numero-
  308.                                | logical Analysis. V1.02. by ASTRO author.
  309.                                | Uploaded by: John Alton 1/3
  310. NU102-2.ARJ     36223  07-27-93  Numero Uno v1.02  Numerology Program  2/3
  311. NU102-3.ARJ     42552  07-27-93  Numero Uno v1.02  Numerology Program  3/3
  313.                                | Produces in-depth personality reports based
  314.                                | on your name and birth date. Professional
  315.                                | looking reports run 6 to 8 pages and reveal
  316.                                | the most intimate traits and desires for
  317.                                | yourself, friends and family. By using an
  318.                                | advanced technique to integrate all related
  319.                                | numbers, reports are surprisingly accurate
  320.                                | and relevant.
  321.                                | Files: 41  Oldest: 3/17/83  Newest: 6/3/92.
  322. ODE26.EXE      158322  07-30-92  Interactive solutions of systems of ordinary
  323.                                | differential equations. 
  324. PAPT_160.EXE   176456  06-02-92  Personal APT v 1.60 = 2 1/2 axis NC part
  325.                                | programming capability and a powerful set
  326.                                | of mathematical functions and geometry descs
  327.                                | to add in solving complex engineering, design
  328.                                | and drafting functions.  Easy to use.
  329. PHZPERDC.EXE   189172  08-02-92  A Periodic Table for PHYSICS EDUCATION.
  330. PRIMEALG.EXE    63889  10-08-92  This is a new prime number algorithm I have
  331.                                | developed and I would like comments on the
  332.                                | algorithm from persons who are interested in
  333.                                | prime numbers. It will generate prime numbers
  334.                                | between 1 and 64K in under a second on a 33
  335.                                | MHZ 80386. The algorithm might provide
  336.                                | insight to persons looking into factoring
  337.                                | large numbers or number theory. It is written
  338.                                | in FORTRAN and includes executable files. I
  339.                                | have searched mathematical literature and
  340.                                | have not found anything like it.
  341. PRMATH40.ARJ   204526  08-11-93  ProMATHeus II 4.00--The Formula Processor
  342.                                | NEW!!!  The success of the original led to
  343.                                | this most powerful version!  Powerful, intu-
  344.                                | itive, many operators & funcs: math, stat,
  345.                                | finance, calculus, trig, graphs.  Works like
  346.                                | you think: easily enter interactive formulas,
  347.                                | variables & custom functions.  Develop per-
  348.                                | sonal func libraries!  Menus/windows/mouse.
  349. R250.EXE        19052  10-21-92  Highly portable random number generator
  350.                                | function w/C source.
  351.                                | Files: 3  Oldest: 9/26/92  Newest: 10/14/92
  352.                                | Uploaded by: Jack Kilday.
  353. RXRIDG93.ARJ   276651  06-24-93  Statistical Shrinkage Regression Ver9303 
  354.                                | <ASP> - Rxridge Performs Maximum Likelihood
  355.                                | Estimation of Ridge Regression Models;
  356.                                | Rxtraces Draws Interactive, Graphical Trace
  357.                                | Displays; Pathproj Projects the Shrinkage
  358.                                | Path Onto Any Two-Dimensional, Linear
  359.                                | Subspace.  Colourful Menus/Prompts Interface.
  360.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-01-93)
  361. S3BIT10.ARJ     68117  06-21-93  S3 Bit Calculator V1.0: Package That Allows 
  362.                                | You to Calculate the Decimal Number Given
  363.                                | the Bit Positions or Calculate the Bit
  364.                                | Positions Given the Decimal Number.
  365.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-19-93)
  366. SATVIEW2.EXE    49035  07-15-92  Mathmatical views of Saturn.
  367. SCIFACT5.EXE   429585  10-29-92  ---------* SCIENCE FACTOR FIVE *---------
  368.                                | 100% Functional Science Formula processor
  369.                                | and tutorial for Physics, Electronics,
  370.                                | Chemistry, Unit Conversions, Quadratic
  371.                                | Solver, Quantum Physics, Optics, Matrix
  372.                                | Rotations, JFET Curves, and much more
  373.                                | INEXPENSIVE QUALITY SOFTWARE -  $6 optional
  374.                                | RELEASE DATE: 10.22.92, BBS Supported.
  375.                                | -----------------------------------------
  376.                                | Files: 16  Oldest: 3/21/89  Newest: 10/22/92
  377.                                | Uploaded by: Mike Haney.
  378. SEMI_PWR.EXE    73874  06-30-92  Semiconductor power & speed calculator.
  379. SFPAK3.EXE     422929  06-29-92  SCIENCE FACTOR 3.0 - Formula processor
  380.                                | (Physics, etc).
  381. SIXSIG.EXE      80180  07-30-92  SIX SIGMA SIMULATOR (SSS) v9207: a quality
  382.                                | assurance training tool that can be used as a
  383.                                | statistician's screen saver (no-TSR) & can be
  384.                                | used in the classroom or in self-paced
  385.                                | learning to illustrate histograms, etc.Good.
  386. SOLARVGA.EXE   263263  06-03-92  Great Graphics, Information of The Whole
  387.                                | Solar System. 
  388. SOLVE1.ARJ      28361  08-25-93  DOS cmd line mathematical expression solver
  389.                                | for engineers and scientists; contains many
  390.                                | built in functions including DEC-HEX
  391.                                | conversions; 07/26/93; Kenneth Curtis∙ Last
  392.                                | revision date in archive: 07-26-1993∙
  393. STAT10.EXE      58438  09-24-92  STAT V1.0 is a program which reads a text
  394.                                | file containing columns of numbers and
  395.                                | calculates statistics on them (count, sum,
  396.                                | average, standard deviation, last value,
  397.                                | maximum, minimum, range and line number of
  398.                                | maxium and minimum), based on specifications
  399.                                | in a control file, and writes the results.
  400. STEPRE30.EXE    47218  10-26-92  STEPREG (ver 3.0) program permits analysis of
  401.                                | experimental data using simple, multiple,
  402.                                | polynomial, or stepwise regression analysis.
  403.                                | The program also allows setting up your own
  404.                                | model equations for fitting the data.
  405.                                | Files: 7  Oldest: 11/1/92  Newest: 11/1/92
  406.                                | Uploaded by: George Cotten.
  407. STOIC.ARJ       54383  06-02-93  Stoichiometry Calculator - for Students 
  408.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-09-93)
  409. SYMBOL46.ARJ   132164  06-19-93  Mathomatic V4.6: Does Symbolic Math. 
  410.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-16-93)
  411. TAP11A.EXE     133732  08-24-92  Multi-Purose technical, financial & algebraic
  412.                                | calculator. Unlimited scrolling tapes, with
  413.                                | editing. Tapes can hold text, formulas & user
  414.                                | defined memory variables. (8-2-92). 
  415. UC200.ARJ       77666  05-27-93  Universal Converter - Converts Variety of 
  416.                                | Units Concerning Volume, Time, Heat,
  417.                                | Energy, Mass, Etc. No Instruction
  418.                                | Necessary! TSR Popup. DOS or WINDOWS.
  419.                                | Version 2.00.
  420.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-29-92)
  421. UCALC12.EXE     66695  10-30-92  ULTIMATE CALCULATOR.  High precision
  422.                                | scientific expression evaluator with many
  423.                                | functions, operators, modes, notations, etc.
  424.                                | Files: 6  Oldest: 10/25/92  Newest: 10/25/92
  425.                                | Uploaded by: Daniel Corbier.
  426. UTMCON!.EXE     51714  09-03-92  Convert map coordiantes from lat/lon to utm.
  427. WLPLT15.EXE    195391  09-18-92  WL-Plot 1.5 - freeware plotting program
  428.                                | Graphs functions in Cartesian, Polar,
  429.                                | Parametric; Conic Sections; Derivatives,
  430.                                | Non-function relations; Bifurcations; Best
  431.                                | Fit Lines and Curves for data points. Save
  432.                                | graphs as .PCX files. On-line help. 
  433. WSCAN106.ARJ   284288  06-28-93  Windows 3.1 v of ScanV106 -From McAfee Assoc
  434.                                | Files: 17  10-15-91...06-23-93  New: 4
  435.                                | Uploaded by: Mark Pease
  436. XYSEE30A.ARJ   128222  12-04-92  XYSee v 3.0 - High Performance Math,
  437.                                | Points to Parametrics...Lines to Lissajous
  438.                                | Supplements High School/College Maths.
  439. YAMP15.EXE     123894  09-23-92  Yet Another Matrix Program v1.5 C++ matrix
  440.                                | algebra package with virtual option for large
  441.                                | matrix operations. C++ source code for TC++
  442.                                | and MSC++, and documentation.